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Emmanuelle Worley

Emmanuelle Worley

Rank : 19
Movies : 4


Emmanuelle's career began in 2011. These are 13 scenes that will be shot during this year after which she chooses to retire in order to fly to other horizons. But remaining unsatisfied, she decides to hang up her heels in 2020 and do a few scenes for Jacquie and Michel TV, hoping this time to be able to achieve her goal: to shoot for a big production and that it be broadcast on a French channel. .

Emmanuelle has incredible flexibility! It must be said that she is a contortionist and has no difficulty holding the most acrobatic positions. What's more, her little dream is to combine her two passions: sex and contortion.

Of a natural solar and endowed with a perfect plastic, Emmanuelle has, for sure, a nice career which is profiled in the X! And it starts now with Jacquie and Michel Elite, especially in the film "Spa Libertine".